A Note from our Visiting Priest Fr. Minh Le, SJ
June 12, 2024

We welcome visiting priest Fr. Minh Le, SJ to Saint Thomas More! Fr. Minh will join our community this summer beginning on June 17. Fr. Minh is familiar with our community and St. Paul, as he grew up in St. Paul and received his Bachelor's Degree from the University of Saint Thomas.


Mission Update from Fr. Aaron Malnick, SJ
April 25, 2024

Fr. Aaron has been missioned to become a Vocations Promoter for the
Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus! Read this announcement to learn more about his new assignment and what his time at Saint Thomas More meant to him!


Resurrecting IHM Stained Glass Window
March 26, 2024

We are thrilled to announce that we have been able to restore and repurpose the stained glass window that hung over the baptismal font at the entrance to the former Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM) sanctuary. The STM Sacred Arts Committee has installed the glass in the east bay of windows in our Gathering Space.


Meet our Cristo Rey Interns!
February 13, 2024

Cristo Rey Jesuit empowers students to be college-ready and career-prepared with an innovative Corporate Work-Study Program that employs 100% of their students. Saint Thomas More is fortunate to be one of their partners in the program this year! Ashley, Jackie, Victor, and Wilmer have been incredible CRJHS students to welcome to our community. Learn more about each of our interns in our latest update!


A note from our Visiting Priest, Fr. Daniel Kennedy, SJ
June 15, 2023

We welcome visiting priest Fr. Daniel Kennedy, SJ to Saint Thomas More! Fr. Dan will join our community for six weeks beginning on June 20. Fr. Dan is familiar with our community, as he was at the Jesuit novitiate right next to our parish from 2012-2014 and its where he professed his first vows.


First Female Scout from Parish Troop Earns Eagle Award
May 10, 2023

Elle Chandler is the first young woman of STM sponsored Scout Troop 45 to achieve an Eagle award! Elle's Eagle project involved building a new outdoor fence for Dodge Nature Center. Join us in congratulating her for her outstanding achievements!


A Note about The Rite of Sending for Those in RCIA
February 15, 2023

St. Thomas More Community will celebrate the Rite of Sending on February 26 at the 10:30 AM Mass. The Rite of Sending is an important step in the progression of our four catechumens (unbaptized) and two candidates (already baptized who are seeking Confirmation) seeking full Communion in the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil.


Introducing: Ignatian Spirituality Center at Saint Thomas More
February 02, 2023

As a way to expand and deepen the opportunities to experience Ignatian spirituality in the Twin Cities, we are happy to introduce the Ignatian Spirituality Center here at Saint Thomas More Catholic Community.


Celebrating Our Catholic School: A Reflection from Principal Lofton
January 26, 2023

Read this update to learn about our parish school and our mission to form students through faith, knowledge, and service.


Introducing our new Director of Youth Faith Formation
January 12, 2023

We have hired Lindsey Bernardy as our new Director of Youth Faith Formation! Read this update to learn more about Lindsey.


Collection for Immigrant Support Ministry
January 1, 2023

In celebration of the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, we will be taking up a second collection at Masses to benefit our Immigrant Support Ministry.


A note from our new Director of Communications, Brennan Hall
November 23, 2022

We have hired Brennan Hall as our new Director of Communications who will start on Monday, November 28! Read this update to learn more about Brennan.


Urgent: STM Free Store Volunteers Needed NOW!
October 20, 2022

We are sad to report that last weekend, our STM Free Store was not able to open for clients due to lack of volunteers. Read this update to find out more about this ministry and what is needed.


A note from our new Director of Operations, Anzley Bieri
August 22, 2022

We have hired Anzley Bieri as our new Director of Operations! Read this update to learn more about this brand new position and Anzley's transition into this role.


Update on Donations to the Free Store
August 17, 2022

At this time our Free Store is experiencing an overabundance of certain inventory, exceeding our space limitations. Therefore we have a few important updates and reminders regarding donations!


Church Ceiling Repairs
August 11, 2022

You most likely have noticed that there are portions of the ceiling in the church where the paint is peeling and, in some spots, the plaster crumbling. More importantly, you are probably wondering if anyone is planning to fix this. We are!


A Note from Fr. Peter Etzel, SJ, our new Associate Pastor
June 29, 2022

Starting July 1, Fr. Peter Etzel, SJ will be our new associate pastor! Read this update to learn more about Fr. Etzel. Be sure to introduce yourself if you see him around!


Lisa and Aaron on the Synod Assembly
June 9, 2022

Last weekend, 2 delegates from every parish in the Archdiocese gathered for the Archdiocesan Synod Assembly—the final stage of the Synod preparation process before Archbishop Hebda discerns his pastoral priorities for our local church. STM's delegates were Lisa Amman and Aaron Sinner. Read this update to find out about their experiences at the Synod Assembly!


Announcing the Claire Kelly Jansen Memorial Endowment
May 19, 2022

We are excited to announce that a group of founding donors has partnered with the Catholic Community Foundation to create the Claire Kelly Jansen Memorial Endowment! We invite every member of the STM community to prayerfully consider supporting this effort to help reach this goal.


STM Synod Small Groups - Summary
March 24, 2022

Thank you to our parishioners who participated in the Archdiocesan Synod Parish Small Groups last fall. Read this update to view a summary of the feedback, which will help shape our plans for the future of STM!


STM Worship Experience Survey & Focus Groups - Summary
March 17, 2022

Last year, we shared with you the results of our Worship Experience Survey. Now we want to share our key takeaways from the survey and focus groups, which will guide us in our work to provide welcoming, inclusive liturgies in a spirit of accompaniment!


Pray for our Parish Synod Leadership Team!
March 1, 2022

We are about to enter the Parish Synod Leadership Team (PSLT) Consultation step of the Archdiocesan Synod. We ask all parishioners to pray for our PSLT members and for a fruitful discussion on the day of their meeting!


A Special Update from Fr. Warren
October 25, 2021

At Masses this weekend, Fr. Warren announced his plan to retire at the end of this fiscal year (July 1, 2022). Watch this video to hear more about this upcoming transition!


Beginning Capital Campaign Construction Next Week!
September 2, 2021

Mobilization for the church addition and undercroft renovation will begin next week! Please read this update for more details. Please note that portions of the parking lot south of the parish center will not be available, except parking spaces immediately adjacent to the school.


A Note from Kellen O'Grady, our new Director of Liturgy and Music
August 18, 2021

We have hired Kellen O'Grady as our new Director of Liturgy and Music. Read this update to learn more about Kellen and his upcoming transition into our community. He will start on Tuesday, August 24.


A Life Update from our Director of Liturgy and Music
August 12, 2021

As some of you may have heard, Lucas Tomlinson will be stepping down as STM's Director of Liturgy and Music at the end of the month. Read this update to read Lucas' farewell to STM and to learn more about what lies ahead for Lucas and his family!


Church Exterior & Interior Repairs
July 20, 2021

As many parishioners have noticed, the ambo was not used the weekend of July 10. Read this update for details about upcoming repairs to the exterior and interior of our church building. 


Anti-Racism Task Force Reflection: One Year After George Floyd's Death
May 24, 2021

The summer of 2020 revealed how each of us, in our families, neighborhoods, professions, faith communities and schools, must take action against racism and pry open our eyes to the unjust reality our black and brown brothers and sisters suffer daily. 


Celebrating a Global Ignatian Year
May 12, 2021

The worldwide Society of Jesus will begin its Ignatian Year on May 20! This date marks the 500th anniversary of St. Ignatius’ conversion—that fateful day when Ignatius the soldier, struck by a cannonball, began his transformation into Ignatius the pilgrim. Read this letter for more information about the Ignatian Year with some wonderful events coming up to kick off the year! 


Fr. Warren on Becoming Anti-Racist
April 21, 2021

Since the murder of George Floyd, our parish has made it a priority to work to become anti-racist, establishing a new task force of dedicated parishioners to lead our parish in the process. Following the guilty verdict in the Dereck Chauvin trial, we will continue the work of having conversations on issues of race, empowering people of color, and aiding parishioners in becoming more educated on this systemic issue. 


STM Free Store Needs Volunteers!
January 25, 2021

We are currently seeking volunteers to help on Saturdays to get our Free Store in order as we move toward reopening. The Free Store is a vital ministry of our parish, and we need new volunteers to step up so we can continue serving Christ by helping our neighbors in these challenging times. 


STM Free Store Update
September 10, 2020

We are working to develop a strategy to continue our mission of providing free gently-used and new clothing and household goods to struggling people in our communities, while keeping our volunteers and guests safe. As we work to extend our outreach, we ask for your help. 


Parish Changes Due to 2020-2021 Financial Projections
July 23, 2020

The STM Finance Council, Executive Committee, and Pastoral Council have finalized our budget for the 2020-2021 fiscal year (which began July 1). As you would expect, the impact of COVID-19 has made it necessary for us to take a conservative approach to revenue projections due to the unknowns around returning to school and the financial hardships our parish families are undoubtedly experiencing in this pandemic. 


Pastoral Council Statement on Racism
June 18, 2020

Saint Thomas More Catholic Community is committed to engage and confront the issues of racism, injustice, and police brutality among many other issues affecting our community and people of color. 


Delaying Return to Public Mass at STM
June 5, 2020

In order to properly and thoroughly review your feedback, we are delaying our start date for a return to public Mass at STM. 


Solidarity with George Floyd, Black Community, and All Suffering
May 31, 2020

Yesterday, our Provincial of the USA Midwest Jesuit Province, Rev. Brian Paulson, SJ, wrote an inspiring letter to all Midwest Jesuits and colleagues in mission regarding the tragic death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. We want to share this letter with you, our STM community.


Updated Timeline for Return to Public Mass at STM

May 28, 2020

We have decided to push back our timeline for returning to Mass by one week to allow us more time to properly prepare for your return.


Update from Fr. Warren - Planning for Return to Mass

May 22, 2020

I am writing to you today in response to the recent announcement by the Catholic Bishops of Minnesota to move ahead with plans to resume Masses at one-third church capacity beginning May 26. 


STM Financial Status Update

April 27, 2020

We write to update you on STM’s financial status and plans to maintain financial stability during the COVID-19 shutdown. First of all, we want to thank EVERYONE in our STM community for pitching in. Parishioners who are able have continued to be very generous in their giving. K-8 school parents have kept their students enrolled with online learning and church and school staff have been very generous and creative in serving our parishioners and school families.


Message From Our Synod Ambassador Team

November 21, 2019

You are Called to Help Steer the Future of Our Church!

Two years from now, Archbishop Hebda will issue a new pastoral letter. For the first time in any Catholic archdiocese ever, he is asking the people of his archdiocese what the letter should be about. This letter will reflect what he hears from his flock and will set the priorities of our archdiocese for the next 5-10 years.


Discernment on Women in Leadership Roles

October 24, 2019

During Fall 2018, STM parishioners were invited to share their prayers and reflections on the clergy sex abuse scandal. Two hundred twenty-five parishioners accepted the invitation. A large percentage of those respondents want to see more laity, particularly women, in leadership roles, as well as the possibility of married and women priests. Many called for a more inclusive Church and, in particular, said women’s voices must be heard.




