Adult Faith Formation


Check back soon for new events!


Ignatian Silent Retreat for Women

Join us for one of our upcoming Ignatian Silent Retreats for Women this spring! The retreats are conference style, with several 30-minute conferences each day. There will be time for silent prayer and reflection on the material presented between conferences. The retreat leader will also be available during these times for individual spiritual direction.

 Day of Reflection: Praying with Modern Day Mystics

April 13, 8:30am - 3:00pm, Saint Thomas More
This day of retreat and reflection led by Susan Stabile will invite us to pray with the writings of some of the modern day men and women to deserve the label of mystic. Some of them will be familiar names, such as Thomas Merton, while others, like Thea Bowman, are perhaps less well known. The day will include presentations, time for individual prayer and reflection, and the opportunity to share the fruits of our reflections in small groups. Please register in advance.

If you have questions about any of our adult faith formation opportunities, please email Carol at

