Immigrant Support Ministry

We commit to:

  • Advocating for justice for immigrants on both a local and national level;
  • Offering spaces on our campus for organizers, lawyers, and community members to meet;
  • Listening and responding to the best of our ability to the call and needs of our immigrant brothers and sisters;
  • Gathering for communal prayer to continually discern the movement of the Spirit in our work, action, and lives;
  • Developing a robust referral program to put those asking for help and guidance in contact with local agencies able to provide that help and guidance.


On March 25, 2017, St. Thomas More became the second Jesuit parish in the nation to declare itself a sanctuary parish, following another in San Francisco. It is the first Catholic parish in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis to declare itself a sanctuary parish; it is the second Catholic church in Minnesota.Saint Thomas More provides a comfortable and safe apartment to those threatened by deportation and offers companionship, food, clothing and connection to additional resources such as legal aid as each family may need. Fr. Warren, pastor of Saint Thomas More said, "We did it not to make a political statement. It is a statement of faith, to provide shelter to people who need it and to connect them to resources.”

Our community acknowledges and respects the federal government’s obligation to protect our borders and uphold our immigration laws. Nevertheless, we agree with the U.S. Catholic Bishops Conference that immigration principles should always be at the service of human dignity and the common good of society. Saint Thomas More Catholic Community is committed to increasing its advocacy for just and humane immigration reform at both the local and national level.


Donations can be made via checks in our weekly collections by writing "Immigrant Support" on the memo line. You may also make secure one-time or sustaining donations online - just select "Immigrant Support" fund. We thank you for your support!






