December 2019




[In January 2018, two members of Saint Thomas More parish visited Saint Francis Xavier parish.  The parishioners of SFX wrote and performed a “welcome” song for their visitors.  The original Khasi lyrics are presented below, followed by an English translation.]

Ngi pdiang burom iaphi,
Phi la wan jngoh iangi;
Jingim jingieid phi iasam lem,
Ban lon shi iing shi sem.

Phi la wan khnang na USA
Phi ieid kyrpang ia ngi shane;
Jingueud U Khrist kan iai tehsong,
Bad ki jingthmu ki la urlong.

Ki jingshitom phi kloi ban shah,
Ha shnong jongngi phi wan ban sah;
Ki jingkyrkhu kin dap kin shlei,
Lyngba ki kti basbun U Blei.

Katba nangmih ki sngi ki snem,
Jinglong kawei jongngi kan skhem;
Jingieid U Khrist ai kan synshar,
Hima U Blei kan roi kan par.

Ngim don ei ei iaphi ban ai,
Dei tang ine i sur jingrwai;
U Blei iaphi unda unri,
Ha ki jingiaid lynti jongphi.

We cordially and honourably welcome you,
For having visited us and so,
Your life, your love you share with us
To be a true family.

You have come all the way from U.S.A.,
For you loved us in a special way;
The love of Christ binds us as one family,
Our hopes and desires have become a reality.

You patiently bear with all discomforts and difficulties,
Throughout your stay here and for visiting our church communities;
May the good Lord bless you abundantly,
And upon us all as one family.

As the time passed on,
Let our family become strong to lean on;
May the love of Christ guide us all;
To spread His good news to all the world.

Neither gift nor treasure,
We have for you to offer;
But through our song we fervently pray,
That God will take care of you in all your way.



When the child Jesus was born in the manger, the angel announced this good news to the shepherd and to the three wise men of the east and Herod came to know this good tiding through the wise men. The shepherd and the three wise men humbly obeyed and paid homage to the Saviour of the world. But Herod was not humble enough to adore the Saviour of the world. So the Christmas message for all of us is to be humble so that we could bend down and adore the Saviour of the world in thoughts, words and deeds. Let Christmas be not on Christmas Day alone but everyday. We, the family of St. Francis Xavier Parish, Umbir wish you a very happy and meaningful Christmas to all of you friends at St. Thomas More Parish.

- Fr. Robert Pohrmen, S.J., Pastor, St. Francis Xavier














