Archdiocesan Synod Parish Small Groups

FALL 2021


We are now entering the "parish consultation" stage of the Archdiocesan Synod! All 186 parishes in the Archdiocese (including us) will be hosting synod small groups, which are an opportunity for parishioners to share their perspectives and spiritual/pastoral needs. 

Each small group will meet weekly for 6 weeks. Sessions will be about 2 hours long. We have several day/time options available. A trained facilitator will promote a meaningful and charitable dialogue between group members. Participants will complete an Individual Feedback Form and a trained scribe will submit the information, which will then be provided to Archbishop Hebda. Read this article for more information about how the sessions will work. Sign up for a small group below!


Archdiocesan Synod Background

This synod was designed to involve all Catholics in our Archdiocese, especially lay Catholics, in discerning and shaping Archdiocesan pastoral priorities for the next 5-10 years. The synod process began in the fall of 2019 with over 8,000 Catholics attending Synod Prayer and Listening Sessions all over the Archdiocese to voice their ideas and concerns as members of our local church.





We will now come together as parishes to respond to and propose solutions to the most pressing needs of our local church, needs which came up in the Synod Prayer and Listening Sessions. Using this feedback, Archbishop Hebda has discerned these initial 3 focus areas for our parish small groups to discuss:

  1. Forming parishes that are in the service of evangelization
  2. Forming missionary disciples who know Jesus’s love and respond to his call
  3. Forming youth and young adults in and for a Church that is always young


Why Should I Participate?

Archdiocesan Synods are a rare occurrence. This is the first Synod for our Archdiocese since 1939 where lay people have been asked to participate. Our parish has much to contribute to this discussion! Let's share our unique values as the Jesuit Parish of the Twin Cities. Be part of this historic moment now, and the future of our local Church. 





If you have any questions, please reach out to our Synod Ambassador team at or call the parish office.




