Pastoral Council Statement on Racism

JUNE 18, 2020


In light of the recent killing of George Floyd and the subsequent protests against racism, injustice, and police brutality among many other issues affecting our community and people of color, perhaps now, more than ever, it is imperative that our parish is called to action to engage and confront these issues. 

Saint Thomas More is committed to engaging and taking collective action on issues involving race. We are committing ourselves to listening, learning, advocating and taking bold action to address racism in all forms within our community. 

Our parish leadership, including our pastors, pastoral council, staff, and executive committee will work with the parish as a whole to address these injustices. We are pledging to form a task force on racism in order to build the framework that will institute lasting change in our parish and broader community. 

In the coming weeks, expect to receive communication from this task force on the specific ways we will address racism, including resources on how we as a parish can better educate ourselves, to become better advocates.

God Bless,

The members of the Saint Thomas More Pastoral Council

Brett Hutchison, Social Justice Commission
Jeff Morin, Worship Commission
Ken Goodpaster, Education Commission
Mary Karcz, Faith Formation Commission
Nicole Deyoung, Community & Fellowship Commission
Lonie Nelson, Chair / Pastoral Care Commission
Paul Humbert, Finance Council Chair
Steve Thomas, Past Chair



