*Are you a new family to Faith Formation at St. Thomas More?
If you are a new family, please fill out the parishes and dates your child received sacraments.
*Please choose the Liturgical ministries the candidate is interested in
INDEMNITY AGREEMENT: By submitting this form, I give permission to my child to participate in the parish faith formation programs and I warrant that my child is in good health. In consideration of my child’s participation, I agree to indemnify the Church of St. Thomas More and the Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis from any claims or law suits brought against the Church of St. Thomas More/Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis by myself, my child or others, that arises out of any behavior by my child at the event/activity described above. I also agree to pay reason¬able attorney’s fees or expenses incurred by the parish/school and the Archdiocese in defense of such a claim/suit.
EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT: In the event of an emergency, I give permission to transport my child to a hospital for medical treatment. I wish to be advised prior to any further treatment by a doctor hospital. In the event of any emergency, if you are unable to reach me at the above phone number, contact the emergency contact person listed above.
PHOTOGRAPH/VIDEO/IMAGE RELEASE: By selecting yes, I grant St. Thomas More Church, the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, and any other organization involved in the above events/programs the right to take photographs of my child in connection with the listed events/programs. I authorize St. Thomas More Church to copyright, use, and publish the same in print and/or electronically. I agree that St. Thomas More Church may use such photographs of my child WITHOUT their name for any lawful purpose, including publicity, illustration, advertising, and web content.
Permission is given to use my child's photograph/video/image as stated in the RELEASE above.